Shirts Tag

Choosing Shirt Collars

The best type of collar for you is the collar that creates a flattering, powerful look-and that look depends on many factors, including your physical build, the occasion, and your personality. Here are a few common styles to consider when choosing shirt collars for your custom shirts: Straight collar. Thinner ties are at home with a straight collar. The straight collar is the most prevalent choice in menswear, as its simplicity creates elegance and professionalism without calling attention to itself. Button-down collar. This collar is the most casual choice for your shirts, and can be easily worn with a sweater or sport coat. Avoid wearing a button-down collar with a double-breasted suit. Tab collar. A tab collar not only keeps the points of the collar from moving out of position, it pushes the tie knot out slightly, giving it an appealing shape and prominence. Spread collar. If you prefer thick ties with a substantial...

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Check, Please!

Checked shirts are one of this season’s favorites—but they’ve changed since the last time they were this prevalent. Along with the micro-checks that came to the front of fashion recently, many designers are offering larger-scale checks than in years past, for a bold, confident look. Checked shirts can be comfortably paired with a solid, stripe, or contrasting-patterned tie for a great effect. Just be sure to keep the colors coordinated with each other, and vary the scale of the patterns. For example, if you’re wearing a light blue shirt with a larger check, consider a dark blue tie with a thin stripe or smaller check....

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Fraying Shirt Cuffs

I received this question from a reader: Why do my shirt cuffs keep fraying? This is what I shared with them: Fraying shirt cuffs is generally due to the shirt rubbing on something: a watch, a desk for those who spend time writing by hand, or a keyboard for those who spend time at the computer. You may want to choose slightly larger cuffs on your shirts, so that the cuff slides easily over the watch instead of getting caught on it. Even a very smooth watch can create friction that will wear on your shirt. When you write or type, lift your arm slightly, or roll your sleeves up first....

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Summer Fabrics for 2012

Reinvigorate your summer wardrobe with an infusion of updated dress shirts. The fresh colors, textures, and patterns for 2012 offer your summer suit a wide array of appealing options and looks. Shades of summer: Let your everyday white or blue dress shirts take a backseat this season to shirts that simmer with summer color. Try a pale violet or lime green to add pizzazz to your image. Just be sure to wear a toned-down tie, to avoid overwhelming your outfit with color. Get texturized: Your shirt’s texture adds not only to its comfort and durability, but also to its eye appeal. Look for summer shirts that create a great feel, or “hand,” through the variations in the weave that add visual depth to the fabric. Fine patterns: Summer patterned shirt fabrics are going subtle this year. Look for mini-checks or fine stripes to add interest to your seasonal dress shirts. You can keep...

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Allowances for New Dress Shirt Shrinkage

I received this question from a reader: How much shrinkage should I allow for when I select new dress shirts? Here's what I shared with them: As your custom tailor, naturally we allow sufficient fabric for shrinkage, so you never have to worry about ending up with a shirt that’s too small. If you still want to know the basics of shrinkage, remember that cotton fabrics will generally shrink more lengthwise (from top to bottom) than across (from side to side). Some shirts may shrink up to half an inch in length. Check that you can fit one to two fingers between your neck and the collar. This allows room for ease in wearing and for any shrinkage. Most shirts will allow plenty of length in the body of the shirt, but make sure the shirt sleeves are long enough to lose half an inch and still reach to your wrist easily....

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Shirts: Choosing the Right Color

I received this question from a reader: How do I choose a shirt color? This is what I shared with them: Choosing a shirt is not as simple as picking your favorite color; colors communicate different things to those around you. Let’s start with the basics. Crisp, clean white shirts convey the most power and authority. Blue shirts come next, and work well with almost any suit color. Other solid colors are appropriate for all but the most formal occasions, while stripes and checks work well in most day-to-day situations. “Warm” colors such as red or yellow are more casual than “cool” colors....

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Checkered, Checked, Checks (& Balances)

Many businessmen hesitate to choose checked shirts, keeping to the more traditional solids and stripes. However, with foresight, there is no need to avoid this wardrobe-extending choice. When choosing a checked shirt, the choice of tie pattern can be critical. The tie's print, whether solid, striped, or patterned, should complement the shirt print by offering a visual change of pace. Pairing similar patterns, whether both are large or both small, in tie and shirt can create a feeling of heaviness. Instead, try out combinations with alternating patterns. Tightly-checked shirts require a larger tie pattern, while large checks can support a small, busier print. Colors can be similarly brought into balance. Rather than limiting your choices to single shades of colors, harmonize the tones. The "seasonal" color scheme may help you decide if a certain red or blue is compatible with your shirt and suit tones, as fall or summer colors naturally complement...

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